Friday, March 03, 2006

Week 12 - Day 5

I ran my scheduled 3 miles at 5:30 am. I ran it in 28:12 for an average pave of 9:24. It got cold again and I was shocked when I got outside in a long sleeve shirt and long pants to find out it was only about 35 degrees. I ran back into the house and put on a fleece vest and gloves. I was still cold for most of the run but at least it was a short one.
The kids and I are skipping our afternoon walk, I am tired and Casey looks like she is about to fall asleep. I am going to see if I can get Casey asleep, she is grouchy and needs a quick nap.
I got signed up for the GJCC Triathlon that is Monday May 26th. It is a 200m swim, 8.5 mile bike and a 2 mile run. Kim is signed up also.

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