I am calling my beer drinking carb loading. We didn’t stay out too late but much beer was consumed.
Lucky of me today’s race was our local triathlon, a reverse sprint distance. So I got to sleep until 6:00. I got up and got myself ready and then got the kids ready. We got to the Rec Center at about 7:15. I sent the kids to the child care room to play. I got my t-shirt and body marked. I picked out a spot in transition and listened to the pre race instructions. Lana and I did a very short warm up jog and then it was time for the start. Some more announcements and then 3,2,,1 , go.
The Run 5k
Run Time 25:12 (I am not sure where transition times got added in, so this might be run +T1)
I put on my helmet, changed shoes and grabbed my bike.
The Bike 14 miles
As I headed out of the parking lot the guy in front of me starts swerving in front of me. I yell on your left, on your left, ON YOUR LEFT!! He just kept coming over. I just knew we were both going down. I had no where to go. He cut right just in time and we both stayed on our bikes. He explained that he didn’t think he was clipped in. Not off to a good start. The route was changed this year to an out ad back on highway 55. After the near crash the rest of the ride was uneventful. I am not really happy with my ride, I have had much better. I had trouble staying focused and would find myself slacking. The turn off 55 is down a short steep hill and I was nervous so I slowed down more then I should have and got passed. I couldn’t catch the guy and he made it into T2 ahead of me.
Bike Time 46:02 (again I don’t know if this is T1 and or T2 also)
In transition, I removed my shoes and socks, yes I wore socks since I didn’t have to put them on wet feet. I grabbed my goggles and ran to the pool. On the way I realized I still had on sunglasses. I handed them to Cindy and asked her to hold them for me.
The Swim 200 yards
I got to the pool edge and the girl reminds me no diving feet first. I realized I didn’t have on my goggles yet. I fumbled with them for a second and then was in the water. It felt good. I passed 4 guys in the water. I pulled myself out of the pool and crossed the ‘finish line”. last year there was a table and people there recording your time. This year there was no one. So I just stood there thinking “am I done?” Lana’s dad got my picture all dazed and confused (it I so bad I refuse to post it).
Swim time 4:04 (I am fairly sure this does not include any transition times)
Total Race Time 1:15:18 First 35-39 Female
Thanks again to Flash for the pictures.
Time to go watch football!!!
Congrads, Michele! Great job!
Great job!
U Rock, Michele!
Can't believe you wore socks after giving me such a hard time about wearing them! Congrats on a great race.
Congrats Michele! Great job...I'll get my report up soon.
By the way, I have figured out that T-2 got added to the bike, not swim as you suspected. The reason I know this is because Don came into T-2 ahead of me, but I got out before him. And if you look at the "Bike Time", which is total time which is total time through the bike, Don's is greater than mine. Which means the time HAD to be recorded AFTER T-2. Otherwise, mine would have been more than his. :)
Awesome race!
Congrats, Michele!
What a fun race! Good effort. I hate rude cyclists!
Wow, did you sneak in that you got FIRST PLACE in your AG???? Congrats!!! Nice race!
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