Despite the downpour, we made good time to the race site.
When we got there the rain had stopped but it was still cloudy. Great race weather, other then the humidity.
We got checked it. As I was setting up, I got my helmet out of my race bag and noticed that it still had the sticker on it from my last race. I have ridden twice since then. When I saw the sticker, I laughed and thought about TriShannon.
Once set up, we made our way to the pool and waited for the race start.
Finally it was my turn in the water. I used last years swim time for my estimate. With the way I have been swimming lately that was wishful thinking. I only had one brief moment of full contact swimming, otherwise the swim went as smoothly as I could expect.
I assume they had problems with the mat at the swim exit because the results only show swim + T1 time. Mine was 8:15.
I had no issues in T1 and think I had a fairly good time, making my swim time worse then last years.
Mike and Amy
I got on my bike. This is one hilly course and I planned to push it as hard as I could. I started out good, I was picking off the people in front of me. Then I was all alone. I think I started to slack at that point. I got passed by a couple of guys. Then a girl with a 27 on one leg and a B on the other passed me. I thought to myself, “no way am I getting beat by a beginner” I passed her right back. This continued for the rest of the race. The girl who beat me at McMinnville joined in the battle and since she got in the water after me I knew she was beating me. We all made it to T2 at about the same time. My 16.5 mile bike time was 53:55, 17.8 mph average.
me, Laurie, Wayne, and triSonq
T2 time 1:11.
I ran out with both those girls. The girl who beat me pulled out ahead and that was the last I saw of her. The beginner and I ran side by side passing back and forth for a while. I finally got a step ahead on a hill. I ended up finished just a minute before her. 3 mile run time 25:34, 8:31 pace.
Total race time 1:28:57 which is almost a minute faster then last year. Shocking with all the extra vacation weight I am carrying
We hung around for the awards and I snagged 3rd place age group.
What can I say- I told you so! :-)
Good work!
Sounds like you had a good day....I wondered how it would be for you with all the heat and humidity!
Good Job!
I have a TRI coming up that I haven't done the swim training for. I know I should but life keeps getting in the way. Your recap was a reminder that it can be done. Great time!
Congrats & great job!! You went a minute faster? That is so awesome!! You are really getting stronger and stronger at thse! Congrats on the 3rd place - you ROCK!!!
Great job Michele! Congrats on the hardware!!
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