Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Country Music Marathon
We were on the road headed to Nashville by 4. We saw lightening as soon as we backed out of the garage and we weren’t far down the road before the rain started. GREAT!!!
We made it to within 0.7 miles of the race and then traffic was at a stand still. It took us another 55 minutes to go that final 0.7 miles. We finally got parked and in line for the shuttle.
We met up with David and Amy at the park.
I put on my shoes and trash bag, dropped my gear check bag at the UPS truck, and peed behind a bush. I turned on my Garmin only to get a “Low Battery” warning. I hoped that it would last for the entire race.
David and I said bye to Amy and Ronnie as they went off to their corrals and we went to ours.
They started the Elite athletes and 12 minutes and 35 seconds later, they started us.
David and I were at the front of our corral, so there wasn’t any bobbing and weaving. We did start out a little fast but quickly realized it and adjusted our speed. We made it to mile one in 9:08. A little fast for this early. We adjusted some more and ran mile 2 in 9:22. Then my Garmin died!!! David kept us in check though. It was really hard for me not to be able to keep an eye on my pace and I am sure I drove David crazy asking him ”How we doing on pace?”.
I was feeling great.
I had run this marathon as my first in 2006, but didn’t remember much of the course. David, on the other hand, knew exactly what was coming and kept me abreast of what laid ahead.
One of the things I like about this race is the way it has loops. You meet runners going the other direction several times. I got dizzy scanning the crowds looking for people I knew. We did see Ronnie and Amy once.
We walked the water stops to drink and took our Gu every 5-6 miles. I stayed away from a Accelerade.
I heard someone yell my name then David’s. It was Brent and Rae.
Jill came up from behind us and ran with us for about half a mile before she dropped back.
We made it to the levee, I remembered how I felt at that point in 06 and was surprised how great I still felt. I could tell David was starting to struggle because he wasn’t talking much.
We ran off the levee and around past the convent. The nuns were out cheering and they had ”holy water” at their water stop. We got a drink of that.
We continued running and then David told me I was going to have to go on without him.
Now I was running naked. I had to check the clocks at every mile marker, add 12, and check my pace band to make sure I was still on track.
I saw Lana’s dad at mile 20 and could not think of his name, I was like “Hi, Mr. ummmmm”. My brain was not functioning and all the math every mile was as much as I could handle. Lana cheered and asked if I needed anything. I told her I was fine and kept on going. It was really boost to have them cheer for me.
I saw Rae and Brent again still cheering. Another boost.
My mouth was starting to get dry and I didn’t want to drink too much and just have it slosh in my stomach, so I chewed a piece of gum. That did the trick.
I entered the park for the final loop. I remembered this part of the course from last time, I was in SERIOUS pain that time. I was hurting this time but knew I was on track and that kept me running. I saw Holly J and Heather right at the 23 marker and was talking to them so missed the clock. I hated missing the chance to check my pace.
I made it to mile 24 and think I must have done the math wrong because I thought I was behind and not going to make it. I was disappointed. I tried to pick up the pace but just didn’t have anything left.
I saw Lana and Holly entering the park as I was leaving. Then I saw David and he yelled 3:45. It took my brain a minute to realize first what he was telling me and then to compute that I was still on track.
I made it to mile 25, did the math and knew I was still on track. I wanted to walk so bad. My legs HURT but I knew I didn’t have enough of a cushion to allow even a brief break. I didn’t even stop for water at the last two stops because I was afraid if I slowed down I would never get moving again.
I was down to my last mile. The crowd was cheering “Just around the bend is the finish chute”.
I made the turn and could see the clock. I knew I needed a 4:12:35 for a sub 4.
I pushed with everything I had left and crossed the line with the clock reading 4:10:something. I cried. I found out later that my offical time was 3:57:36.
I got a bottle of water and called Ronnie. He had just missed me crossing. I got my metal and kissed it. Got a space blanket and went to have my chip removed. I couldn’t even lift my foot.
I got my picture made and got some food. I wasn’t hungry but tried to eat something.
I saw Heather sitting at the “No re-entry” point. She went sub 4 too.
I left the finishers area and found Ronnie, Amy and Mary Beth. All had great halfs.
We found the free beer tent and got our dixie cup of beer, then sent Ronnie to buy a real cup of beer.
We enjoyed some beer, music, and sun shine. We saw Lana (who had a great half as Brain), Lisa, and Holly. Holly had some stomach issues on the course but still rocked out a great first marathon.
We couldn’t stay for long since we had to get home and pick up the kids.
I am so happy to have that monkey off my back. And to do it at “home” and on the same course as my first made it even sweeter.
When I called my dad with the news, he was happy for me and said "Now all you have to do is finish that Ironman and then you can be normal again”. LOL, I don’t know that I will ever be normal.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Ready, Set.....
I have done the training (again), I have rested, and now I am ready to run. I still don't know if I have a sub 4 in me but I am going to leave it all out there. I am 23 pounds lighter then Huntsville and 11 pounds lighter then Birmingham. Will that make a difference? I don't know, but it can't hurt.
I did my last 3 mile pace run yesterday. Funny how when I only have to run 3 miles it seems that I couldn't run a step more. Otherwise, it went well and on pace.
Then Amy and I went to the expo yesterday afternoon and picked up our packets. We didn't get to spend a lot of time there but I did get a cool new shirt to wear for race. I know you aren't suppose to do anything new for a race but it has worked for me in the past. Memphis I wore new shoes, tights, shirt, and socks.
I have everything packed.
including a garbage bag. The forcast still had rain in it

We are going out for pasta tonight to get good and carb loaded. Then I hope to get to bed early. 3am is going to come mighty early tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone running tomorrow. I am counting on David getting a PR and pulling me along.
My hubby will be there doing the half. He hasn't been running so it should be interesting. Wonder if I should bump up his life insurance?!?
Tim, Lee and Heather are all super fast and I know they are going to PR. Hope they save some beer for me at the finish line.
Holly is going to do awesome at her first marathon and Amy and Mary Beth at their first half.
Mike and Lana are doing the half as a training run as they prepare to head down to Panama City in 2 weeks.
Lisa is running the half and so is David's daughter, Amy.
Patrick is running too I just don't know which race.
It is going to be a fun time, sub 4 or not!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I have slept EVERY morning until 6:00. Sure beats that 4:00am alarm.
I rested on Saturday. My friend Dawn was in Nashville with her family so we went up to go out to eat with them. My diet went right out the window that night with fries and ice cream. Not good taper food.
Sunday I was not at all in the mood to ride. Getting lazy quick. But I told myself I could eat Fig Newtons if I rode. It was only a 2:30 ride and didn’t really warrant cookies but it got me out there. I ended up with 43.48 miles in 2:25:54 and those cookies sure were good.
Monday was a rest day and my body fat test. I have really been looking forward to this test as a true measure of how I am doing with this diet. My last test was June 2007 and I was at a 26.2% body fat. I went into the test knowing that I had made am improvement. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my new body comp is 23.7% fat. A loss of only 2.5%. AND of the 19 pounds I lost between test, 10.8 pounds were of lean mass while only 8.2 pounds were fat mass. Lots of room for improvement still.
Today was speedwork. 6 x 400 with 400 RI. I did a 1 mile warm up then picked it up for my 400s. Maybe taper is helping because I had a great run. 400s were at 7:26, 7:04, 7:15, 6:41, 7:01 and 6:34 pace. I ran a total of 5 miles (with warm up, cool down and rest intervals) in 46:06, 9:14 pace.
Tomorrow I rest (sleep until 6:00 again) then Thursday I have my last 3 miles at pace.
The weather forecast isn’t looking any better for Saturday. I really don’t want to run in the rain.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Taper Week One - DONE

Not really what I was hoping for but I got a PR at Tom King in the rain so maybe.
Taper has been going well. I haven't been getting enough sleep but I have cut back on the training.
Monday was speedwork. I was suppose to swim too but I skipped it. Tuesday was an hour on the trainer. Wednesday a tempo run. Thursday another hour on the trainer and today was my last longer run.
Next week will be all about rest.
I am having a body fat test on Monday. I hope to see much improvement over my last one
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's Taper Time
I am kicking my taper off today with a rest day. I will do the Ab Ripper X DVD in a little while but that is it, no swimming, bike or running today!!!!
Thursday I did an easy 45 minute trainer ride. I used the Softride training DVD and didn't push it too hard. Then I did ab ripper.
The weather forecast wasn't looking good for Friday so I decided to wait until after dropping the kids off to school to go for my run in case I had to do it inside. Turns out it didn't rain until about 1:30 that afternoon but the wind was tough. I ran 13 miles of hills with a PMP goal. I ran into the wind on the way out and think I fought it too hard. I ran out of steam on the way back and ended up with a 9:11 pace overall. So close. After the run I had a 1500 yard swim. I took it nice a slow and was really trying to focus on catching the water with my pull.
Saturday's plan called for a 4:30 ride with a 0:15 run off. I waited on Ronnie to get home from golf and headed out about 1:30. It was a beautiful sunny day, about 60 degrees, and 17 mph winds that gusted up to 29 mph. Despite the wind, I had a great ride, I dare to say my best ever. I stopped after an hour and ate 3 Fig Newtons and drank some water. i was riding into the wind at the time and was really looking forward to making a turn. When I finally had the wind at my back, I was able to coast at 17-20 mph (can't do that on a trainer). The cross winds were almost as bad as the head wind and those gusts made it a fight to keep my bike on the road. I stopped again at 2 and 3 hours for cookie breaks. At 4 hours I was riding into the wind and didn't have a good place to pull over so I ate my cookies while riding. At this point I was close to home and had to figure out home to get in my last 20 minutes. I did one more loop of Pomroy. I was racing the clock to make it home by the 4:30 mark. I didn't make it. 4:34. 74.77 miles. 16.4 mph average speed. I never claimed to be fast.
I got off the bike and changed shoes. The first few steps of the run hurt. I felt like I was barely getting one foot in front of the other. I glanced at my Garmin and it said "Pace-8:30" I just laughed, there was no way I was running 8:30, I was just shuffling along. I got to one mile and sure enough 8:30. Wow, I could actually have a great run off the bike. I looped back toward home (still fighting the wind) and got in 1.79 miles for an 8:27 pace.
I took and ice bath, drank a Mike's hard lemonade and then went out for Mexican. Ahhh taper time!!!!!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Running and Riding but not Swimming
Then I got my hair done and started to feel not so great.
I ate lunch and waited to see how my stomach was going to act.
I waited until about 1:00. I went back and forth about inside vs outside and ended up outside and just hoped my stomach wouldn't act up. It was pretty windy but the sun was out and it sure was nice to be on the road.
By the time I got the kids from school, my stomach was very upset.
After a long evening of being sick, I decided to skip this morning 1000 yard swim.
I am still debating doing the strength training but leaning toward just resting. I have a ride tomorrow that I think is more important.
Monday, April 07, 2008
No Time to Post
Saturday I did my first 100k ride, The Dogwood 100k. My first attempt at one in '06 ended badly. This one went just fine, other then the fact that is was cold, foggy, and wet, not my favorite riding conditions. But is was outside riding for a change.
After the ride I did a 0:30 run off.
Sunday was a 2400 yard swim. I had to force myself to the pool and almost talked myself out of it right up to the point when I was standing on the pool deck and discovered how cold the water felt. I got it done and it actually was one of my better swims.
Today was 1:20 on the trainer. I didn't push the pace as hard as I should have but I spent the time in the saddle and worked up a good sweat.
Tomorrow I have a tempo run and an hour ride. I am going to run in the morning, get my hair done, then go back out on the bike. It is suppose to be nice, maybe I will get a little tan.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Friday=Long Run=Rain AGAIN!!!!!
At 4:30 when the alarm went off I was greeted with silence, once I turned off the buzzing clock. Yes!!!! I got dressed, ate 3 shot bloks, and hit the road.
I had the Tac and Bigun show downloaded on my ipod and was feeling good. Problem was the wind. I couldn't hear half the podcast because the wind was so loud blowing in my ears. It started to sprinkle after about 2 miles and again after about 8 but quickly stopped each time. The podcast ended just before I reached th halfway point so I hit play again and caught most of the parts I had missed due to the wind. The wind was still blowing so I was still not able to hear all of it.
After 16 mile the downpour started. I was close to home and wondering where to run the last 4 miles or even if I should. I did my usual loops and toughed it out.
I arived home, dripping wet, after 3:11:30, 9:35 pace right on target!!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Unscheduled Rest
I have been crazy busy. It is Spring Break for the kids so I worked two long days instead of my normal 3 days. Today we are going to do "something fun". I have not been told what that is yet, but since it is raining, I am guessing it will be something inside.
So about this unscheduled rest day...the BT training plan calls for a 1:15 easy spin on the bike but FIRST has my last 20 miler on tap tomorrow. So....after a hard week, I am resting today to prepare.
And it has been a hard week.
Thursday was a 1:15 easy spin on the bike
Friday 15 miles at PMP+10. I almost made it before the rain started. I got soaked the last mile. The wind was horrible the entire run. And I didn't make pace. 2:19:54, 9:20 pace. So close!!!!
Saturday I did 2:20 on my trainer using my Pedaling Strength DVD.
Sunday back on the trainer for 0:45 using No Slackers DVD. Then I did the P90X Ab ripper DVD.
Monday more rain so I did my 10 x 400s on the treadmill. I was really happy how they went. I had a lot more control over my speed. I ran the 400s at 7:03 pace and jogged the 400 RI at 10:48 pace. Then I hit the pool for a nice LONG swim, 3500 yards!!!
Tuesday morning I did 1:30 on the trainer using Pedaling Strength DVD and that evening I did my strength workout and ab ripper DVD.
Wednesday was 8 miles at PMP. I saw Tim and Lee in the parking lot. They invited me to run 8 @ 8 with them. I passed. I got my 8 miles done in 1:13:05, 9:08 pace. I really felt the weight training in my legs again but hit pace this time. After the run, it was off to the pool for 2800 yards.
So today is all about resting and getting ready for my last long run. I am going to do the ab ripper DVD in a little bit but that is all.
The other big thing going on with me is my diet. I hit the 20 pound mark this week. The body fat testing guy is coming back the 21st and I am hoping for much improved results.
Finally, I am going to be better about posting and commenting this week. I am reading your blogs but usually on the fly and my comments would be so full of typos they wouldn't make any sense.