Given that most of my runs are done in the dark on crappy country roads and add in my lack of grace and you know what happened...I fell.
I got up a 3:30 this morning for my long run. My plan says that the key runs can be done in any order as long as you allow one day between each run. So since I have the McMinnville tri this Saturay, I swapped my long run to today.
It was nice and cool this morning but VERY dark. I decided to stick to my normal 6 mile route to start. I know this route like the back of my hand. As a matter of fact, while running with Kim Friday I warned her of the very pothole I tripped over this morning. I wasn't even two miles into my 15 mile run when I hit the pavement. I skinned both hands. Luckly I had on a runing skirt so that provided some protection on my thigh. My ankle throbed for a few yards and I thought about throwing in the towel. But I had to get home anyway so why not run. The ankle quit hurting so I just kept running.
The rest of the run was thankfully uneventful.
So long run #2 is in the books. It was very slow and I don't even want to think about what this says about planned marathon pace. At least it is done and now I can focus on my second tri of the season. That's right this will only be my second tri all season. How unreal is that??????
Hope you are ok....
Glad I'm not the only one with that issue :) Hope you are ok!
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