Monday, February 04, 2008

Final Week

Well here it is, less then a week until my marathon. And what did I do this morning??? Slept in!! The alarm went off at 4:30, I heard rain. So I reset the clock for 6:00 and went back to sleep. Now I am going to have to get in my last speed work tonight and it is still raining!!! I just might do some shifting. Trainer ride tonight and speed work in the morning. Sounds better then trying to do speed work on the "walking track" at the Rec Center.

Yesterday we didn't have swim practice because of a meet. So I had to swim on my own. I did 3000 yards.

Saturday was a tri buddy's 50th b-day so we celebrated by doing a 50 minute run, 50 minute swim, and a 50 minute bike. We went a little long on the run and bike but had to get back. Ended up with 6 miles running, 1 mile swimming, and 18.5 miles riding. We had great weather and a lot of fun.

Friday was my last long run. I did 10 miles. Ran from my house up Cracker Barrel Hill and to the top of Jail Hill. Then I turned around and headed home. I think my pace was 9:05. That was my last hill run before Birmingham.

Thursday I did a very slow easy trainer ride while watching TV. Didn't want to wear out those legs.

This week I am not pushing too hard. Going to get in my last two runs, a trainer ride, and a swim. Then I am taking Friday and Saturday OFF!!! I don't have big hopes for Birmingham but no point going there with tired legs.


Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

You are beyond ready for Birmingham, and rest is very important for you this week. Don't sweat the sleeping - it's probably the best thing for you! I did lots of sleeping in before Phoenix.

Have a good, fun, low-stress week!

Allez said...

Enjoy the taper! That sounds like an awesome 50th celebration idea!

MNFirefly said...

No worries about the sleeping. Your legs deserve.

teacherwoman said...

Sometimes, you just gotta sleep in! Listen to the body!

The 50th birthday celebration sounded like fun!

Anonymous said...

Rest, carbs and easy runs....the makings of a great taper. We're going to have fun in B'ham.

TJ said...

the sleep will make you faster!:) really!
rest up and enjoy the taper.

jen said...

Sleeping in during taper week is SO ok. :) Great job on the long run- you are ready for the hilly marathon. :) Have a good taper week!