Thursday, February 23, 2006

Week 11 - Day 4

Tracy and I ran our 20 mile run this morning. We met at All Creatures at 8:00 after getting the kids off to school. I don’t even remember everywhere we ran, but I think we covered just about every neighborhood inside the Manchester City limits then headed down Highway 41 to the Industrial Park. At 15 miles we turned around and headed back into town. We miss judged how far the clinic was from Wal-Mart and at 20 miles we were just at First Baptist Church. The run took us 3:28:12 for an average pace of 10:25. Then we walked down to my office to fill up our water bottles. Scot offered to give us a ride back to All Creatures. We jumped on that, the thought of walking 2 more miles had no appeal and running it had even less. Jeff actually drove us in Scot’s truck and we got back to our start. I am pleased with the run and even more pleased to have another long run finished. I still have a 7 and an 8 to run this week. Not sure when I will fit them in.

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