We met at the rec center at 8:00. It was cold, wet and windy, but that only kept a few people away. We had a great turn out and a lot of fun.
Lana gave directions to everyone for each of the courses.
Most people went with the 5k option, an out and back to Old Stone Fort Park.
Only 5 of us toughed it out with the 10k.
Lana's dad, Flash, was the official race photographer and lead car. He did a great job! Thanks for the support Flash.
With a very official "On your mark, get set, GO!", we were off. I had set my Garmin for a 52:00 10K and was "losing" right away. I was running with Lana and we made up the time by the start of the second mile. Lana continued to press the pace but I refused to run that fast. She pulled on ahead of me.
The first loop was through town and around the square and back to the start line. Then we started the 5k loop. On the way out, I saw all the 5k-ers coming in.
I was still winning my race against Garmin, but lost some of my lead on the hill leading to the park. I made the turn around and back up the hill just outside the park. Time to pick it up. Down the hill, back on the greenway, and to the finish line.
51:25, a new PR.
I hope this can become an annual event. And maybe with a little more notice, even more people will run.
Time to eat some of those calories I burned this morning.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Sounds like the First Annual Manchester Thanksgiving day 5 and 10K was a great success!
That sounded like a blast! I plan to run my 10k around NYC tomorrow trying to shop. :)
Nice job on the PR.
Looks like you guys had a blast and saved some $$$ for shopping. Sounds like a win-win to me!
Wished I could have seen you guys at the Bolt, though.
What fun! I skipped my groups T-day run in favor of the Run for the Hungry. Rocket City is coming fast.
Congrads on the new PR!
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