Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I got to the Rec Center at about 5:40 this morning. It was 49 degrees outside. Mornings like this are tough to swim but that was the plan. At first I sat on the edge with my feet in the pool but decided that I just had to jump in or I would never do it. It took me 20 lengths to get warm. After 30, Lana showed up so I HAD to stop and talk to her. After talking for a bit I swam my last 40 lengths for a total of 1750 yards. I was swimming slowly and even though I stopped my watch during the chatting time it still took 38:08.

After the swim, I headed home where I showered and got the kids to school. Then I met Tracy back at the Rec Center and we went for a ride. It was warmer then 49 but it was still cold. I am going to have to invest in some long bike pants. We rode the 20 mile loop in about 1:15.


teacherwoman said...

Our high tomorrow is supposed to be 54 and raining! Brr!! good thing our new campus gym opened up!

Nice job on your swim and bike!!

Phil said...

I won't go near the water when it's under 80. Great job getting your swim in this morning. And a very impressive set of intervals yesterday. Sure beats running in the heat of the summer.

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

hmmmm...Now I am thinking I must have miscounted my laps. Because you were swimming faster than I was, but your swim took minute longer than mine. There was one point where I questioned myself about which lap I was on, so I bet that was it. Dang.