Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Skipped Swim

Today the schedule had a 45 minute run followed by a 30 minute run then either later in the day or earlier a 12 x 100 swim.
I meet Tracy at 5:45 this morning and rode. It was too dark and too cold. We had to go slower because of the darkness. We ended up with 15.18 miles in 59:04. I can’t say I am pleased with the effort but it is time in the saddle and hopefully that will count for something come Gulf Coast. After the ride I did the run, 3.59 miles in 32 minutes (8:54 pace). I had to rush home so Ronnie could get to work.
It turned out to be a beautiful day. I mowed the yard (cross training???), and then Tracy and Mary Beth came over with their kids. The kids all swam and the adults soaked up the sunshine. The weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse tonight so we enjoyed our last day of summer like conditions. After everyone left, I decided to cut branches off a tree. It is too far away from the house for power tools so I had to use a hand saw (more cross training???). After all the sun, I needed a good cold beer and that ruined the chances of getting the swim in. But, I am not going to fret it (too much) because Lana and I are going to swim class tomorrow and there is no swim on my schedule tomorrow. Also, I know Coach Ashley will not let me get away with a measly 12 x 100.


Phil said...

Bike ride, hard run (great pace) and then yard work! I'd need a keg after all that. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad someone else calls lawn mowing cross training. As big as my yard is, and plenty of it's up and downhill, I get quite a workout.

Riding in the dark can be tough. Watch out for potholes!

TriSonq said...

You amaze me how you get all your training in with work, life and managing your family time.

I barely keep track of my training and all I am responsible for is me!

Yes, those other chores are considered cross-training.

I'll be drafting off you in the Gulf Coast. That is, if I can keep up?!?

Joe said...

> I had to rush home so Ronnie
> could get to work.

Does Ronnie ever get tired of all the training? My wife thinks I'm obsessed.

> I mowed the yard (cross training???)

You bet it's cross training!

> I needed a good cold beer
> and that ruined the chances
> of getting the swim in.

There's nothing wrong with that. I hope you enjoyed the beer.