I set my alarm clock for 4:00 and got in bed about 9:30.
At 1:00, I woke up and could NOT go back to sleep. I tried but by 2:00 I had given up. I got out of bed. I did 3 loads of laundry and read blogs. I wasn't in a commenting kind of mood so sorry about the lack of those. I really wanted to be asleep.
At 4:00 I got dressed (over dressed) and drove to the Rec Center.
At 4:35 I sent Lana a text message "Coming?" and by 4:41 when I hadn't heard anything, I sent another saying that I was going home to run. I hadn't studied the route very well and a don't like new routes alone in the dark.
I ran my usual 6 mile loop twice.
I must say for the lack of sleep I was feeling pretty darn good.
I had set a bottle of Gatorade at the end of my driveway for the halfway point but as I passed by I didn't feel the need to stop.
12 miles in 1:50:20. 9:12 pace
And check out these splits:
9:44, 9:27, 9:25, 9:07, 9:06, 9:02, 9:06, 9:07, 9:06, 9:06, 9:03, 9:02
Now if I can just do that Friday when I have a 17 miler with 14 at marathon pace!!
I still hadn't heard anything from Lana so I sent her one more text asking if Number five had died. She replied yes. Turns out she had alarm clock issues.
Yesterday was the pumpkin painting contest at school. My daughter's pumpkin won grand prize for K-2. It's a fish:
My son did Sponge Bob, no prize: