Wednesday, July 16, 2008


One thing I hate about training alone is that I worry about something happening to me and there not being anyone around to call for help.
One of those something is Coyotes! All winter running alone in the dark on back country roads I would jump at every sound. But this summer, since it is light out, I haven't even given coyotes another thought. Until yesterday...
I went out on my bike at first light for a 45 minute easy spin. I wasn't 3 miles into my ride when a coyote came running across the road in front of me!!! Scared the sh!t out of me. So much for a zone 1 ride.
I made it home and changed shoes for the 30 minute run. I decided to stay in my neighborhood and avoid all wild creatures.

This morning I knew I had a long workout on schedule, so I prepared. I told my boss I wouldn't be in until 9:00, I pack the kids lunches and laid out clothes last night.
I met Tracy, Eric, and Lana at the rec center. Tim was out running and Lana waited for him while the rest of us went out so we could pick up Amy on the way. We had a great ride, 24 miles. Afterwards, I went inside for a 2900 yard swim. I ended up having to cut out the 200 yard cool down because it was 8:00 by that time and Ronnie said he had to leave at 8:15.
I was still rushed today and my hair looks like crap but I made it to work on time and didn't have to fuss at anyone.


triguyjt said...

coyotes would freak me out...
congrats on your 5:48 on the half iron....excellent time

Darrell said...

coyotes are a little freaky, but I think an attack on a grown adult is rare, especially one on a bike.

It's one good way to get the heart pumpin' I guess.

Lisa said...

I wonder if pepper spray would work on coyotes? Ummmmm.......

Benson said...

Nice ride and run.

As a Wildlife Biologist, I can assure you that you are in no danger of being attacked by coyotes while on your bike or running. they are curious animals and always on the move. You'll likely see plenty of them during your outings. Don't fret. You can certainly carry pepper spray to give you some comfort but you're more likely to need it to immobilize your training partners or the mountain lion lurking in the bushes that you'd never see until it pounces on you and drags you off to feed to her young...yeah, like that would ever happen.
Keep up the good training, you're solid.