Saturday, June 09, 2007

My test results from Monday show my target workout zones to be
Low 79-138
Moderate 138-147
High 147-169
Peak 169-176

The goal of this mornings run was to stay in the low and moderate zones. It was foggy so I just did two loops of my neighborhood and the neighborhood across the street.
Just running to the end of my driveway my heart rate was already at 110. I continued at a slow pace and kept an eye on my heart rate. Running slow is hard. I ended up with 5.35 miles at an average pace of 11:27 and an average heart rate of 145.


Kate said...

It's SO hard, isn't it?! But seeing Jodi's results with HR training definitely convinced me (not that I managed to stick with it)

Rae said...

That's so odd. It just seems counter-intuitive to me. If you run faster you can go further and burn more calories. Obviously this is why I've got 10 more pounds than I should!! =)

Lance Notstrong said...

HR training IS hard!!! It's hard not to want to just GO!!! It works though. My race pace is generally 1:30 faster than my HR training pace.