Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Half Hearted

I was up way too late last night trying to get ready for my trip this afternoon. I didn’t sleep well worrying if I packed everything. Then my daughter got me up at 2 because she had gotten mad last night and went to her room where she fell asleep on her bed and at 2 this morning she wanted to move to the bed she sleeps in that is in my son’s room. She was also worried that I was going to make her make up BOTH beds this morning in order to earn her allowance.
When the alarm went off this morning at 4:45 and I had gotten less then 5 hours of sleep, I was feeling less then enthusiastic about riding. But since I was meeting Kim, I knew I had to get up. We headed out on a route she knew. The sunrise was beautiful but my heart just wasn’t in the ride. I was watching Kim spinning her pedals in front of me but I just didn’t fell like making the effort, easier just to push and get the ride over. I kept and eye on my cadence but did nothing to keep it steady. My only goal was to keep up with Kim. We had dog issues again and I spent most of the ride dreading the pit bull that I knew we would have to pass near the end of the route. We made it home safe and sound after a 22.5 mile ride that took around 1:20. I forgot to start my computer so time is just an estimate.
I didn’t put out the effort this morning so today’s ride did nothing to improve my cycling, but I burned a few calories. So all is not wasted.


Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Sometimes just getting the workout over with is victory enough! Definitely better than staying in bed!

MNFirefly said...

Awesome job on your training day!

JamieW said...

I feel your sleep deprivation pain. Great job getting the workout in anyways. I always think I am forgetting things when I pack!

Anonymous said...

Some days are like that...the discipline of exercising is what matters. As I tell my girls, getting out the door makes you a "GREAT AMERICAN HERO"! Just think of all those folks who don't make it to the door. But as you experienced today sometime all you can do is persevere. That in and of itself is the victory!

SRR said...

Ahhh...time like that could never be considered wasted. You were doing something physical! Good for you!

Brooke said...

At least you got out there. That says something in itself.

Rae said...

Great job pushing through a tough workout! We all have days like that.

You guys seriously need to "relocate" some of those dogs!