Friday, April 21, 2006

Week 19 - Day 5

Tracy called last night to remind me that the intruder had not been caught so I better not run outside this morning. I was glad she was thinking because I had already laid my stuff out to run outside. Turns out it didn’t matter, we had MAJOR rain. The thunder woke me up at about 3:30. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I got on line to check the weather and checked the local news page to find out that the intruder had been caught, my neighborhood is safe again. The weather didn’t look good for running outside so I change my alarm and skipped my run.
Woke up to find the rain had flooded my patio and filled my pool with muddy water. It was back to the pool store this afternoon after work to pick up the stuff to get the dirt to settle. Then to Lowe’s to get yet more grass seed in hopes of avoiding this problem again. By the time we got home from Tullahoma I NEEDED to run. Ronnie was sleeping, he is sick, so I told the kids to wake him if they had an emergency otherwise to stay in the kitchen and make birthday cards for Rachel.
I set out at about 6:00 and it was looking like it could storm any minute. The problem with the rain we have had today is it is quick HARD rains. That is what has caused the mud to flow. I hoped to get my run in before a storm hit. I ran my normal Maple Springs, Creekside, Red Oak, Amberwood, Maple Springs loops. That made a total of 5 miles in 45:41, 9:08 pace. I felt really good and the pace was very comfortable, should have tried to push a little harder but this close to race day don’t want to do anything stupid. I managed to finish just as it was starting to rain.

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