Saturday, January 06, 2007

Another 6 Mile Run

I got up this morning at 6:00 and ran my normal 6 mile route. It looked and felt like it was going to rain but lucky for me it never did. I wore my MP3 player for the first time in a LONG time. I had hoped that it would keep my mind off the running and maybe my pace would increase. No such luck, it still took 57:16 to run the 6 miles, 9:33 pace.

I don’t know if I have mentioned my scale fetish but I weigh myself several times a day. Every time I pass the scale I get on. Some mornings I will weigh myself 5 times before I leave for work. This morning my weight was still the same as yesterday morning’s weight (both times I checked it before running) but after my run I was 3 pounds lighter. I know it was water weight but I sure liked seeing those lower numbers.

Justjunebug I ordered the skirt from skirtsports, it is a limited time thing. And Bob, that is not me in the skirt, if it was I wouldn’t be trying to lose 20 pounds.


Anonymous said...

We have several bathroom scales and none of the register the same. When I want to loose wait fast, I just use the "lighter" scales. Works everytime!

Bob - said...

That "Austin Powers" psychedelic skirt wasn't you?? hmm it looked like your fingernails :-) my bad :-(

NOW THROW OUT YOUR SCALE and Just KEEP working out and MAGICALLY you will LOSE your weight.

20 pounds? hmm one hell of a Holiday Season huh... did U miss any parties?--(j/k) :)

ok you are probably like my GF so 20 pounds means U only need to lose like 5 pounds -- but WE will never say anything 5, 15, 20 12... and if we ever do we usually end up on the couch :(

so good luck with dropping any weight u wish to drop!! BUT HIDE THAT SCALE ---try it for a WEEK!!!

HEY I have had NO Coffee now for THREE painful Days (I am getting ready to do the NEERA Super CLEANSE for 5 days) SO u can HIDE the ScALE for a bit...

MNFirefly said...

I have been able to stay off the scale - maybe only once a week now...and I see the difference now.

SRR said...

I am the same damn weigh with the scale. SO BAD!! Now put it away! And Bob's right, realistically you probably need to lose like where near 20lbs!!

teacherwoman said...

Those darn scales can be so "controlling" of our lives! Oh, how I would have loved to run 6 miles this morning!

Rae said...

Ha! I've gotten where I only weigh myself once a month. The way my weight fluctuates w/hormones and such throughout the month it's only frustrating to weigh more often. Works like a dream!

Junie B said...

thanks! i just found it actually once i noticed the TRIKS emblem...i wanted it for my first marathon this coming sunday but doesnt look like i would get it in time...i am heading to the big runners store here in town tomorrow to see if they have it..if not i am ordering it right away!

Junie B said...

thanks! i just found it actually once i noticed the TRIKS emblem...i wanted it for my first marathon this coming sunday but doesnt look like i would get it in time...i am heading to the big runners store here in town tomorrow to see if they have it..if not i am ordering it right away!

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